Every blade of grass must change

Evolution has a process .... 

How do you know evolution is in progress?  

Down to the last blade of grass undergoes change. 

What aspect in your life is being provided with the opportunity for change? Mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, relationship, job, recreation, .....

Your DNA is also being provided the opportunity to upgrade. 

Take care and upgrade to the best of your ability; nutritionally, hydration, thoughts, values, rest, but Most Importantly.. take care to stay out of fear and worry. Take advantage of this "lock down" time to be introspective about you and your relationship with soul friends and the one field consciousness (God-head). without the usual distractions.


Use your name. 

Be mindful. 

Keep out of political and other conversations that ask you to pick a side, instead - use and follow your intuition. In your life in every moment ... you have been led, you are being led and you will be led (by intuition and soul friends).

Stay out of outcome prayers and agenda, instead be open to (and ask for) the Most Benevolent Outcome.

There is more going on here than meets the eye. We'll talk more on Sat. the 21st. if you choose to come to ongoing class. And I will address what we can on April 4th  Day Retreat Class (and still keep fidelity to the foundational information) for new and repeat participants.

Know you are loved in ways beyond your comprehension.