That Now

I have been reminded today, of three specific moments/events I have participated in, to help create a specific visions for "future times."

1st An exercise where a large group sorted themselves into smaller groups like: education, healing, arts, science, math, foods/gardening, etc. (you get the idea) and we shifted forward in time to create a new "vision" for each of these systems. Best case scenarios.

I remember we had great "visions" and marvelously creative ideas.

2nd, We redefined 3 colours and what they meant, felt like, smelled like, and how they might be used in education, healing, etc. in a different way (changing the thought form in something as simple as a colour.)

3rd, The new template was introduced:

Harmony with nature


Creativity for the purpose of upliftment

5th dimension cosmic heart

All needs met for most benevolent outcome

The relevance of these three creative "exercises" (along with other awarenesses/learning of how to "create") seems very relevant now. This is the time for those ideas to move into full manifestation. That - Now

What are your visions of ideal (win/win) systems?

How do you redefine colours?

How do you understand the template?

How exciting.

Let's start manifesting with excitement and joy, those visions in this physical world!!!!!!

Let's do THAT, NOW! with cosmic LOVE

Every blade of grass must change

Evolution has a process .... 

How do you know evolution is in progress?  

Down to the last blade of grass undergoes change. 

What aspect in your life is being provided with the opportunity for change? Mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, relationship, job, recreation, .....

Your DNA is also being provided the opportunity to upgrade. 

Take care and upgrade to the best of your ability; nutritionally, hydration, thoughts, values, rest, but Most Importantly.. take care to stay out of fear and worry. Take advantage of this "lock down" time to be introspective about you and your relationship with soul friends and the one field consciousness (God-head). without the usual distractions.


Use your name. 

Be mindful. 

Keep out of political and other conversations that ask you to pick a side, instead - use and follow your intuition. In your life in every moment ... you have been led, you are being led and you will be led (by intuition and soul friends).

Stay out of outcome prayers and agenda, instead be open to (and ask for) the Most Benevolent Outcome.

There is more going on here than meets the eye. We'll talk more on Sat. the 21st. if you choose to come to ongoing class. And I will address what we can on April 4th  Day Retreat Class (and still keep fidelity to the foundational information) for new and repeat participants.

Know you are loved in ways beyond your comprehension. 

A Poem by David Whyte


well or beginning poorly, what is important is simply to begin, but the ability to make a good beginning is also an art form, beginning well involves a clearing away of the crass, the irrelevant and the complicated to find the beautiful, often hidden lineaments of the essential and the necessary.

Beginning is difficult, and our procrastination is a fine, ever-present measure of our reluctance to take that first close-in, courageous step in reclaiming our happiness. Perhaps, because taking a new step always leads to a kind of radical internal simplification, where, suddenly, very large parts of us, parts of us we have kept gainfully employed for years, parts of us still rehearsing the old complicated story, are suddenly out of a job. There occurs in effect, a form of internal corporate downsizing, where the parts of us too afraid to participate or having nothing now to offer, are let go, with all of the accompanying death-like trauma, and where the very last fight occurs, a rear guard disbelief that this new, less complicated self, and this very simple step, is all that is needed for the new possibilities ahead.

It is always hard to believe that the courageous step is so close to us, that it is closer than we ever could imagine, that in fact, we already know what it is, and that the step is simpler, more radical than we had thought: which is why we so often prefer the story to be more elaborate, our identities clouded by fear, the horizon safely in the distance, the essay longer than it needs to be and the answer safely in the realm of impossibility...

David Whyte

Updates and goings on

There are new classes and workshops added to the calendar, including a day retreat in July and a new category heading titled “Amber”

Check it all out.

Occasionally, I send out emails called “Heads Up” often when things seem turbulent and some additional reminders and navigation may be of use to you. .

If you want to be on the email list for “heads up” click the email link and let me know the best email to use.


A four class series to begin in 2019 

Jan.  26th Session 1  The levels of vibration (Navigating with soul friends and using the levels energies)

Feb.  23rd Session 2  The dimensions (Understanding the first 6 dimensions)

Mar.  23rd Session 3  Your bodies (Understanding the first 7 bodies, how and why alignment is important)

Apr.  27th Session 4  How to manifest (How to locate and use the lower void to manifest) a 4 session series. One session per month . 

Each session will be a prerequisite for the next session. (they will build on each other) 

9am to 12:30pm ,  $50 for each session, or if pay upfront for all 4 in the series $180.  

I know money is an issue for many of us, so trying to give you a heads up. I will make holiday gift certificates, if you want to ask friends/family to gift you this for the holidays.

Email to register

Holiday Upliftment

The holidays are an easy time to get lost in the shenanigans of capitalism. There are tools to help keep you above the fray. Let’s spend some time reviewing and rehearsing how to keep your vibration above the fray.

email me for details

Check out the calendar for Dec 14th

In spirit and for Most Benevolent Outcome


Contemplation (worth your time)

Thoughts Direct Energies

You may not interfere without permission

What you resist most - you actually draw to you

Like energies attract

Love is a binding force

Fear and Love cannot occupy the same space

You are spirit in physical form

Gratitude positions you correctly

Set the intention of “Most Benevolent Outcome” in your requests and/or decisions   

These are powerful concepts, that when considered and applied to your daily decision will create upward movement.

Buddha and Jesus

Can you imagine if these two paired up for a comedy show. What hilarious material they could pluck out of current events !!!  A night at the improv  

HA, HA. HA, HA  Lighten up (in every way possible)

I can see the Buddha belly laughs now, but what would Jesus do?


The movement in the Earth, stirs movement in me. 

I was once told that Hawaii is the pressure relief valve for the Ring of Fire.  I have a watchful eye on the islands, and all the counterparts around the globe. Likewise, I am self monitoring my own pressures and relief valves and the impact that has on the counterparts around me. The island creates, preserves and destroys aspects of itself with primordial ooze from its core. I must do the same.


Wake up every morning and create a state of gratitude, then "program your day."


Ask for help. What do you need today? Always include that your request is made with the intention of "most benevolent outcome."
