Clinical Supervision I (21 hrs)
Clinical supervision is the process by which the clinical practice provided by the counselor is evaluated and either modified or approved by the supervisor, providing a bridge between the classroom and the clinical work. Clinical supervision is a central organizing activity that integrates the program mission, goals and treatment philosophy with clinical theory and evidence-based practices. This class prepares the addiction counselor with basic supervision tools and models to use as a standard of practice to include: models of supervision, counselor developmental level, cultural and contextual factors, ethical and legal issues, monitoring performance of the supervisee, methods of observation, practice issues in clinical supervision, and documentation issues. The CAC Clinical Training Program is committed to a process of improving the quality of client care and developing the professionalism of clinical personnel. This three‐day class includes demonstration skills practice and critique.
This course provides the required components to satisfy LPC requirements for supervision as well as CAS and LAC
Offered through Denver Cares